Poultry Farming Equipment

by | May 14, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Poultry farming equipment includes tools that help in the hatching, breeding, housing, feeding, cleaning, and management of poultry. Its use is essential for successful poultry farming as it helps in enhancing production. It is also helpful in ensuring good health of the birds. At the small scale, poultry owners can make good use of manual equipment to fulfill their requirement but at a commercial level it becomes necessary for them to have sophisticated machinery and people with technical know how to operate it.

A coop or cage is a necessary poultry equipment that is used to keep the chickens and other domestic birds safe from predators and other external elements. This poultry equipments is available in various sizes and designs depending on the needs of the farmers. It is important to keep the chickens in a safe and secure environment as this will improve their overall productivity.

Another poultry farm equipment is the feed bin which is a container where the birds get their feed. This is available in different sizes and it can be made of galvanized iron or any locally available material. Some of the feed containers are operated with electricity while others work on solar power.

Incubator is a special type of poultry equipment that helps in the artificial hatching of eggs. This is required if you want to produce more number of eggs in a short period of time. It works on the principle of heating, aeration and humidity control. It is a very useful poultry equipment for those who are into large-scale poultry farming.

Shell grit box is another poultry equipment that makes the layer’s calcium requirement fulfilled. It contains a hopper that is filled with sand and the layer puts the egg into it to get the needed amount of calcium. This is a useful poultry farm equipment especially for those who are into free-range chicken farming.

The laying nest is also an important poultry equipment which provides the necessary resting place for the egg laying birds. It has a platform where the eggs can be placed and it is designed in such a way that the egg does not fall off. This is a very helpful poultry farm equipment for those who are into egg collection business.

Poultry farm water heater is another necessary equipment in the poultry house. This will provide the necessary heat for the poultry to perform its functions. This is very helpful especially during cold weather conditions. There are different types of poultry farm water heaters, some are electrical while others can be run with charcoal or kerosene.

Metabolic robot is an interesting poultry farming equipment that can automate the entire chicken house and prevent common issues like dead birds, overly wet bedding areas, temperature variations, malfunctioning drinkers, and other observations that would normally require hands-on attention. It can also monitor the poultry house and alert you to pathogens or trauma in real-time. This is very useful for the poultry farmer and it can help them save a lot of time, energy and money.

Written By Chicken Farming Blog


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