Broiler Chicken Farming

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

broiler chicken farming

Broiler chickens are a special species of poultry. They have been genetically engineered to produce more meat in a short period of time. When they reach a certain age, these chickens are sent for slaughter. In order to achieve the desired results, it is important to practice a systematic approach to broiler chicken farming.

The first thing to consider when raising broiler chickens is the house. These birds need an adequate amount of space to grow. A broiler house should provide 24 hours of light during the brooding period. It should also have good ventilation. At this stage, a good temperature should be maintained, ranging between 86 deg and 90 deg Fahrenheit.

There are several breeds of chickens that are suitable for broiler production. These include the Cornish chicken, Cornish Cross, Jersey Giant, and Orpington. Other popular breeds are the Freedom Rangers and the Brown Leghorn.

Broiler chicks are fed in a restricted area. This ensures that they cannot escape. They are usually given pellets or mash as feed. Feed intake is monitored daily to ensure that the birds consume enough. If the chicks do not consume enough food, they become swollen and unfit for consumption.

In addition, it is essential to protect the birds from pests and disease carriers. This means that it is necessary to close off any holes or crevices. Moreover, it is important to make sure that the area surrounding the pen is clean. You should also replace the litter materials as soon as they become smelly.

Vaccinations are also a must. Usually, the broilers are vaccinated from the day of hatching until about 28 days. Some of the vaccines are based on the type of disease, while others are aimed at helping the chickens fight germs.

The birds should be vaccinated with a vaccine that contains a very small percentage of a germ that causes a disease. This may help the chickens fight the disease in the presence of other birds. Moreover, the vaccination should be administered regularly to avoid the spread of diseases.

The feeding system should also be checked and cleaned regularly. A clean litter is an important factor when it comes to broiler chicken farming. Moreover, you should have a good supply of water. However, it is important to be careful when using water.

Broiler chickens need a lot of water. They need about 3 cm of space for water and a total of 450 cm2 of floor space when they are up to 18 days of age.

Aside from that, broiler chickens also need a good amount of nutrition. Their diet should contain a high percentage of protein, carbohydrates and micronutrients. For this, they are typically given crumbles, mash, or commercial pre-starter diets.

To keep the broiler chickens in good health, they need to be inspected on a regular basis. The birds should also be given water ad libitum. Moreover, the pens should be closed to prevent disease carriers.

As with other types of livestock, the broiler chickens should be vaccinated and disinfected. If the broiler is sick, it is important to treat it and give it appropriate medication.

Written By Chicken Farming Blog


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